What is Pinene? Pinene is one of the most common terpenes in the plant world and is produced in...
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What is Phytol? Phytol is grassy and balsamic in odor. It is naturally produced in green tea. Cannabis leaves...
What is Nerolidol? Trans-Nerolidol?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, nerolidol, trans-nerolidolWhat is Nerolidol? Nerolidol aka trans-nerolidol is a terpene found in many strong aromatic plants such as jasmine, tea...
What is Myrcene?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, myrceneWhat is Myrcene? Myrcene, specifically β-myrcene, is a monoterpene and the most common terpene produced by cannabis (some varieties...
What is Linalool?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, linaloolWhat is Linalool? Linalool is a monoterpenoid and has been described as having floral and lavender undertones. Varieties high...
What is Limonene? D-Limonene?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, D-Limonene, limoneneWhat is Limonene? Limonene is a monoterpenoid and one of two major compounds formed from pinene. As the name...
What is Humulene?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, humulene, sesquiterpeneWhat is Humulene? Humulene is a sesquiterpene also known as α-humulene and α–caryophyllene; an isomer of β–caryophyllene. Humulene is...
What is Geraniol?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, geraniol, neuropathyWhat is Geraniol? Geraniol produces a sweet, delightful smell similar to roses. This makes geraniol a popular choice for...
What is Eucalyptol?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, EucalyptolWhat is Eucalyptol? Eucalyptol is the primary terpene of the eucalyptus tree. It is also known as cineole. It...
What is Caryophyllene? Beta-caryophyllene (BCP)?
, key cannabis terpenes, News, terpene, terpenes, what are terpenes series, beta-caryophyllene, caryophylleneWhat is Caryophyllene? Caryophyllene is present in many herbs and spices; including black pepper, basil, and oregano, and cannabis....